Consider a common practically-collision-resistant hash function $\mathcal{H}$ (e.g. SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, RIPEMD-160), perhaps based on the Merkle–Damgård construction as are the first three. We define a Message Authentication Code $\mathcal{C}$ $$(k,m) \mapsto \mathcal{C}(k,m)=\mathcal{H}(m\mathbin\|k)$$ where $\mathbin\|$ denotes concatenation, $k$ is a secret key (constant, or at least of fixed size), and $m$ is a message (possibly of variable length). Assume that an adversary can (iteratively) submit queries with $m_j$ and obtain $C(k,m_j)$, and wants to obtain $k$ or otherwise compute $C(k,m)$ for some $m\ne m_j$.
That MAC $\mathcal{C}$ is not trivially bad. In particular, if $\mathcal{H}$ was indistinguishable from a random function in the Random Oracle Model, $\mathcal{C}$ would be secure. And even though $\mathcal{H}$ may have the length-extension property, it does not turn into a devastating attack on $\mathcal{C}$.
The less impractical generic attack that I see is that if a collision was known for $\mathcal{H}$ with the colliding messages of moderate identical length, it could be deduced countless collisions for $\mathcal{C}$. Hence security is demonstrably not better than collision-resistance of $\mathcal{H}$ (for identical-length messages). We could assume that $k$ is half the size of the result of $\mathcal{H}$, and hope that the security is about 269 or is it 257 or even 252, 280, 2128, 2256 hash rounds for SHA-1, RIPEMD-160, SHA-256, SHA-512.
What are the known attacks against $\mathcal{C}$ (better than the above), and their cost, for each of these common hashes?
Is there hope for an argument that an attack against $\mathcal{C}$ would turn into an attack of similar cost against $\mathcal{H}$, or hint of the contrary?
Update: this answer to a similar question is of interest, but I fail to find that it really answers the present question.
Update 2: I am aware that the construction considered is weaker than HMAC, and in particular is vulnerable to collision on $\mathcal H$; I stated that, and that it is thus pointless to have the key wider hopeless to target security against some attacks better than half the hash's size. I'm asking exactly what cryptanalytic attack better than finding a collision on $\mathcal H$ there are. There is room for such an attack only by exploiting a weakness in the structure or/and the round function of a concrete $\mathcal H$.
a good MAC algorithm $\endgroup$