Questions tagged [cryptanalysis]

Analysis of individual security aspects of a cipher or algorithm, not the security of a cipher or algorithm in general (which would lean towards “algorithm-design”).

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2 answers

In a PGP like Application , would compress and encrypt leak information

would compress and encrypt on data comromise security for PGP like application, would it be secure for use in Encrypted Messaging? I have heard its safe for data at rest encryption , i have heard ...
ANISH M 18CS006's user avatar
6 votes
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A modern rotor machine, could it be any safe?

I wonder if a rotor machine similar to enigma can be considered secure by today's standards under four conditions: A rotor machine which consists of 50 rotors picked out of a set of 100. A rotor ...
Princeofmillerovo's user avatar
2 votes
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Significance of theoretical weaknesses?

What is the significance of theoretical weaknesses? Any real life incident where a theoretical weakness was ignored and later it compromised the system? Whats the dividing line between theoretical and ...
crypt's user avatar
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What are the best known cryptanalytic attacks against AES-128 with 9 rounds?

What are the best known cryptanalytic attacks against AES-128 with 9 rounds? I found many such attacks on AES-192 and AES-256 with 9 rounds, but not for AES-128 with 9 rounds. Are there any ...
xhuliano's user avatar
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By using a block cipher multiple times in a row is a 128-bit BC as secure as a 256-bit BC which uses his 128-key only as part of the message?

For given 128-bit numbers $S$ and $E$ we want to find a series of keys $k_i$ with $$ E = BC(BC(BC(.....BC(S, k_1),k_2) ..k_n)$$ We can either use a 128-Bit blocksize block cipher similar to AES (ECB ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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How does the security of AES change if we allow multiple uses in a row? How does it change if we limit the key space? And introduce a filter function?

$$f_0 = A$$ $$f_{n+1}=AES(f_n,k_n)$$ $$f_i = B$$ For given 128-bit values $A, B$ we want to find a chain of suitable 128-bit keys $k_1$ to $k_i$. The total length $i$ is undetermined. Every valid key ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why is the best way to solve LWE (and Cryptographic related Systems) with SVP (approx)?

Community, I'm new into lattice based cryptography, and I'm interested about the security of cryptography schemata like Kyber and why the focus of solving this problem lead into solving approx. SVP. ...
Max Weber's user avatar
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Best attack estimates on AES

The wikipedia article on the Advanced Encryption Standard claims an attack against AES-128 with complexity $2^{126.1}$. The NIST call for proposals for post-quantum cryptography (table on page 18) ...
Myath's user avatar
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Security proof of the Schnorr Signature

How Schnorr signature security can be proved for signature forgery, replacement, and Replay attacks?
SHI MA's user avatar
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Non-uniform plaintext distribution -- AES attack

Are their any attacks on AES (any mode) in which before the attack is mounted, the adversary is aware that the input distribution is non-uniform? Most of the work assume that the plaintext is ...
nivedita's user avatar
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Automated Security Protocol tool that models algebraic operations

Are there any automated security protocol verification tools that model algebraic operations; specifically addition. I am familiar with AVISPA and Verifpal, and they are both great and user-friendly ...
Mona's user avatar
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2 answers

How fast does revealing parity bits leak information?

I've got a scheme where I XOR a secret key value with a public (but random) value, XOR together all the bits of the result, and publish that bit (0 or 1), which is the parity of the result of the XOR. ...
interfect's user avatar
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How the mimc bug from circomlib was safely exploited to fake the merkle root in the witness in practice?

Several years ago, there was an unenforced constraint on verification in the cirmcomlib library : a tool for building projects using ZsNarks. The error allowed to forge cryptographic nullifiers/proofs ...
user2284570's user avatar
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How bad exactly are repetitions in the plaintext?

When the last n bytes of the plaintext are themselves suitably random, but predictably repeat m times in the same message - how bad is that? I'm convinced it is detrimental, but I am uncertain how ...
foo's user avatar
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RSA decryption problem knowing public key and ciphertext [closed]

new member here. I am taking a course in computer security, and we just got introduced in Cryptography and especially in RSA Algorithm. Although i got the 'basic idea' behind the RSA algorithm and the ...
Nikovlakopoulos's user avatar
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Info AES cryptanalysis

I have some doubts regarding AES weakness and AES cryptanalysis. While it is relatively simple to find Cryptanalysis info on previous ciphers, I get confused about understanding various types of ...
LianoQ's user avatar
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1 answer

Statistical closeness of distributions and time-unbounded distinguisher

If two ensembles are statistically indistinguishable, we all know that they are also computationally indistinguishable, i.e., for any PPT algorithm, the probability to distinguish them is negligible. ...
mactep Cheng's user avatar
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What is the standard checklist for designing a Key Derivation Function?

What kinds of properties does a KDF need to have in order to be considered secure? What steps should be taken during analysis to test for flaws? In particular, I mean a KDF that is going to be used as ...
Wesley Jones's user avatar
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How to solve this Baby Bleichenbacher Attack?

I am trying to solve this problem from I am having trouble with this question : (Baby Bleichenbacher attack). Consider an RSA public key (n, e), where n is an RSA ...
Lightening's user avatar
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How do I know the most efficient image encryption algorithm?

I am familiar with any algorithm that is based on the number of bits in a key (n-bit) and how to restore a key, such as the Discrete Logarithm Problem or Factorization.  When I use any algorithm for ...
Mhsz's user avatar
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A probable attack for RSA (factorization): how to improve it?

A probable attack for RSA (factorization): how to improve it? $N=8*G+3$ can be factored if there is a non-trivial negative $k$ such that $\frac{(N*(9+24*k)-3)}{8}=-6*m^2 $ [to exclude the two trivial ...
Alberico Lepore's user avatar
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Is it safe to initialize a random number generator with MD5?

The MD5 algorithm is no longer considered secure for most applications of a hash algorithm. However, is it safe to initialize a PRNG via a password? If it is not, how could it be exploited?
Begoña Garcia's user avatar
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What kind of special numbers are not suitable as RSA keys?

I have read that some integers are not appropriate to be chosen as the modulus in an RSA cryptosystem. Some of these numbers are those that, given a modulus $n=pq$, then $p-1$ or $q-1$ do not have ...
Begoña Garcia's user avatar
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How to compute $x_0$ in Chaotic Logistic map in special method?

I know that the Chaotic Logistic map is $x_{n+1}=Rx_n(1−x_n)$. I read some articles about the Chaotic Logistic Map, but some things are not clear. Someone wrote in his article the following: The ...
Mhsz's user avatar
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Using multiple asymmetric keys as backups for one another

I've been thinking about ways to take advantage of multiple asymmetric encryption schemes so that each key could be a backup to the others in case of cryptanalysis of one given scheme. Those public ...
Olivia Leiv's user avatar
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Is there a way of mitigating weak states in the Spritz stream cipher algorithm?

The Spritz stream cipher algorithm has been shown to have a special class of states that can be used to do a full state recovery attack better than brute force. While the authors of the paper clearly ...
cookiecipher's user avatar
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Textbook RSA with $e=3$ and short random message

This is a simplified version of a question I made long ago, that never got an accepted answer. It's given $N$ of $n=2048$ bit, assumed hard to factor, which two prime factors each are $\equiv2\pmod3$, ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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Breaking RSA with P,Q LSB bits

Let's say we have a certain amount of LSB bits of P and Q and we want to fully reconstruct them given N=P*Q. I know this problem was studied in literature by Coppersmith and that Lattice methods are ...
gram's user avatar
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Provably secure and Practical ciphers

Are there any ciphers that are provably secure (reducable to a hard problem (including like factorization, not necessarily to NP-Complete or harder) ) are practical (not necessarily for too much ...
xzijoq's user avatar
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Recovering original bit vectors that constituted XORed binary vectors

I am trying to unscramble received data packets. Each packet is divided into 3 parts ($A$, $B$ and $D$) with equal lengths. In every packet, each of these parts are scrambled/encrypted with an unknown ...
kazekage's user avatar
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3 answers

LWE with a binary matrix A

In LWE, we know that given reasonable public parameter $A\in \mathbb{Z}_q^{n\times \lambda}$, secret $s\in \mathbb{Z}_q^{\lambda}$ and noise $e\in \mathcal{X}^{n}$, random $r\in \mathbb{Z}_q^{n}$, $(A,...
user102777's user avatar
1 vote
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Do snapshots of Encrypted Disk Images weaken security?

I have read/write disk images encrypted with 128 AES using Mac's disk utility. If I snapshot the encrypted disk images daily (sometimes with changes other times without), and an attacker has access to ...
AlexanderWatkins's user avatar
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Problem with implementation of Enigma Machine

I'm having trouble making an implementation of Enigma Machine in VBA. My question is about implementing the rotors and their move. To be more precise, I will show below the way that I code my Enigma ...
ZlatanAtm's user avatar
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Is Mersenne Twister hard to break if it has a reduced output?

I was reading this challenge, which proposes to clone (or recover) the internal state of the MT19937 just by applying the inverse process to each output (624 consecutively words). Mersenne Twister's ...
Murilo's user avatar
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About the complexity of a path finding attack for a path encrypted with a block cipher (like AES). How many AES calculations count as secure?

Out of $N = s^3$ total points we pick a starting point $p$ and an end point $q$ with $$p=(p_1, p_2)$$ $$q=(q_1,q_2)$$ $$p_1,q_1 \in [0,s)$$ $$p_2,q_2 \in [0,s^2)$$ We want to find a path in between ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Why would the same cipher structure have a different optimal attack for different bit widths?

I'm going to use the Simon Cipher as an example, but I want to frame the question to be more general. Why would the same cipher structure have a different optimal attack for different bit widths? I ...
b degnan's user avatar
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Why is ShiftRow important in AES?

I came across a comment about AES 128 without ShiftRow. I want to use this weakness to perform an attack. So far, I get that It possible to divide in 4 independent blocks of 32 bits. So we can launch ...
b_ptist_'s user avatar
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Linear cryptanalysis resistance of AES Sbox

If you look at the AES Linear Approximation Table (computed for example with Sage) you will see there are many entries with what looks like a high bias of -16 ("absolute bias" scale). I ...
xhuliano's user avatar
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What is digram analysis?

so I wanted to ask something since I just learned about cryptography. Here where I have the task to write an essay on cryptography and the title I have to do is introduction digram analysis. However, ...
kimkim's user avatar
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Scyther related questions for handling/splitting values and verifying hashes

While implementing a protocol in Scyther, I need help with the following questions - How do we split a particular message/variable into two parts in Scyther? (For eg. if I have value R in my protocol ...
ankastic's user avatar
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Differential cryptanalysis - how to extend the attack to rounds before the last?

Suppose that we have a block cipher such that the last round of the cipher depends on half of the key and the penultimate round uses the other half. Suppose also that I attacked the last round using ...
xhuliano's user avatar
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Attack against stream cipher (LFSR with ASCII)

I'm reading Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl. In chapter 2 (Stream Ciphers) there's a question that goes like this: Assume we have a stream cipher whose period is quite short....
KetDog's user avatar
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For any numbers $a, b$, what are the operators $X, Y$ such that revealing $a\ X\ b$ and $a\ Y\ b$ doesn't reveal info about $a,b$?

Previously I thought about a pair of 8-bit uniformly distributed random numbers $(a,b) \in \{0,1\}^8$, and $X$ to be bitwise XOR, $Y$ to be 8-bit addition. But it turned out that revealing $a \text{ ...
caveman's user avatar
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What does $(a+b) \bmod{256}$ and $a$ XOR $b$ reveal about $a, b$?

Say $a$ and $b$ are some uniform random $8$ bits so that the entropy of $a$ and $b$ is 8 bits each. If I show you $(a+b) \bmod{256}$ and $a$ XOR $b$, then what can you tell about $a$ and $b$? Or how ...
caveman's user avatar
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predict random keys using python [closed]

How can I write a program in python to predict the random key (urandom) that is used for encryption? I tried to search and I couldn’t find anything related to guessing and predicting urandom in python
Yara's user avatar
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Hashing and Password Cracking

I was playing a game on cryptography where I encountered this problem: Hashed Value of password: 24 109 76 35 22 94 83 25 106 104 73 87 56 38 56 50 10 92 58 84 44 88 24 112 125 121 125 43 122 55 106 ...
Turing101's user avatar
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Which is the smallest, cyclic in 3 directions, consistent structure of random values which can be hidden at the adversaries machine? (some comparison)

Or more general each member can be part of up to three 2D locally euclidean planes of 2 different dimensions each. (each of those planes is cyclic in two orthogonal directions, like a torus) Given ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Can I decrypt AES-CBC ciphertext if I have the key without IV? [duplicate]

Can I decrypt ciphertext from AES-CBC encryption, if I have the key and ciphertext only?
Yara's user avatar
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4 votes
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What is the effect of low rank dual sublattices on the dual lattice attack on LWE?

In the dual lattice attack of Espitau, Joux and Kharchenko (On a dual/hybrid approach to small secret LWE), the authors propose distinguishing (and subsequently recovering secret values) of LWE ...
Daniel S's user avatar
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Computational indistinguishability of two LWE type samples

Consider the problem of distinguishing between polynomially many samples of either \begin{equation} (x, b, As + e) ~~\text{or}~~\left(x, b, ~Ax + b\cdot(As + e) + e'\right). \end{equation} Here, $A$ ...
Morbius's user avatar
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