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  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
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74 votes

How can I generate large prime numbers for RSA?

13 votes

Why do all hash functions use big-endian data?

6 votes

How does asymmetric encryption work?

6 votes

How to efficiently generate a random safe prime of given length?

5 votes

Efficient setup for a Montgomery multiplication

5 votes

Why are side channel attacks such as SPA/DPA/ CPA based on the AES SubBytes routine?

5 votes

Is it possible to fool Miller-Rabin test?

4 votes

What does $(a+b) \bmod{256}$ and $a$ XOR $b$ reveal about $a, b$?

4 votes

About integer factorization

3 votes

Inversion in $GF(2^{10})$ Using Composite Fields

3 votes

Finding a solution to a (sort of) discrete logarithm by asking questions

3 votes

Is an RSA variant with public exponent $e=f+(p-1)\cdot(q-1)$ safe (for $f$ random in some small interval)?

2 votes

How to perform Multiplicative Inverse Modulo in IDEA

2 votes

RSA Private Exponent Generation according to FIPS 186-4 in openssl v1

2 votes

Any speed up methods for finding the index of a random value produced by the Inversive congruential generator?

2 votes

Determine if $f(x)+x_0+x_n$ is balanced

2 votes

Efficient pen-and-paper calculation of the Galois Field multiplication?

2 votes

Checking if discrete logarithm is $\geq\frac{\varphi(p)}2$ in polynomial time?

2 votes

Biased RSA moduli and ROCA

2 votes

Fast evaluation of polynomials

1 vote

Are modified implementations of cryptographic algorithms a good idea?

0 votes

Are there public $p$ and $q$ numbers for use in DSA?

0 votes

Is there an encryption algorithm that only adds minimal (if any) size compared to the size of the unencrypted data?