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Mehdi Tibouchi's user avatar
Mehdi Tibouchi's user avatar
Mehdi Tibouchi
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

What happens if we know that for an RSA key pair, the equation $d^e \equiv c \pmod{n}$ holds?

4 votes

Is there an algebra group (or ring) in which computing the inverse element is hard without some trapdoor information?

2 votes

As a high level intuition, why is LWE without modular reduction easy to solve?

1 vote

Is there an efficient way to check if a lattice has a point with all non-zero components?

3 votes

DHKE: Why using safe prime gives us "safe" subgroups?

4 votes

Elliptic curves over extension fields

2 votes

in NTRU, can g be recovered given f and h?

13 votes

Is lattice encryption susceptible to Grover's algorithm?

2 votes

$\epsilon$ parameter choice in lattice-based schemes

1 vote

In textbook RSA with low public exponent, how big does a random message needs to be?

1 vote

Discrete Gaussian distribution on a lattice vs. the periodic Gaussian function on a lattice

3 votes

On a problem assuming Diffie-Hellman oracle

3 votes

Elliptic curve signature scheme without a nonce

3 votes

Are all quadratic twists of an elliptic curve equivalent?

2 votes

Isomorphic mapping of BLS12-381 G2 points to G1

3 votes

Distribution of elliptic curves with rank 2?

6 votes

Pairing-friendly curves in small characteristic fields

2 votes

How to prove that the Fiat-Shamir identification scheme is zero-knowledge?

4 votes

Why does point addition work on EC curves?

4 votes

OWF and iO Correlation

3 votes

What is the quadratic character of the field over which elliptic curve is defined?

2 votes

Is it safe to reveal an arbitrary EC point multiplied by a secret key?

1 vote

Short randomness in ElGamal and Paillier

1 vote

Break El Gamal for Elliptic Curves

2 votes

Joint distribution of RLWE samples

6 votes

Intersection of two elliptic curves

6 votes

The computational complexity of discrete log

12 votes

Pairing on FourQ

3 votes

CCA2-secure encryption based on LWE/Ring-LWE

2 votes

Special-purpose witness encryption without multilinear maps