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  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
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2 votes

Find IV and the key ? AES with CFB or OFB

3 votes

Find IV and the key ? AES with CFB or OFB

2 votes

Why blinding integer $r$ needs to be co-prime with $N$ in blind RSA signature

3 votes

Are skeleton keys possible for ECCDSA?

4 votes

Is possible that find numbers where the product of 3 numbers is congruent modulo to 1?

3 votes

Is 50% of bits changed in every round always gives 50% of changed bits in the end?

5 votes

Why discrete logarithm modulo composite moduli not popular and not defined in standards?

4 votes

Bilinear Map over group of unknown order

3 votes

Why do we add error in the definition of LWE?

2 votes

Hash into elliptic curves for private set intersection

1 vote

How to find m so that RSA cipher end with '\x00'+SpesificString , if we freely input the plaintext?

2 votes

How do I encrypt a long message using ElGamal encryption correctly?

4 votes

Is storing salts encrypted a good idea?

2 votes

Montgomery Multiplication with CRT

2 votes

Brute Force on Curve25519

4 votes

Padding of SHA-3

2 votes

Is AES S-Box resistant to side-channel attacks?

3 votes

Calculate share for a specific value of $x$ in Shamir's Secret Sharing scheme

2 votes

If $((p-1)*(q-1) -1)$ divisible by $e$ ($e$ is odd number) , then $\text{gcd}(e,(p-1)*(q-1)) = 1$

5 votes

What is the exact meaning of the public key cryptosystem properties in New Directions In Cryptography by Diffie and Hellman

0 votes

OTP Scheme where only one party can generate the OTP, but both parties can verify it's validity

4 votes

Are My Answers to This Hash Question Correct?

3 votes

Why does the verifier have to send a challenge in Shnorr protocol?

3 votes

In a secret image sharing scheme, what are the advantages of Galois field $\mathrm{GF}(p^m)$ over finite field $ F_p$?

0 votes

Asymmetric encryption that preserves the plaintext size

1 vote

Hard-core bits from RSA assumption

9 votes

How to encrypt with elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)?

3 votes

Question of proving the opening of Pedersen Commitment

2 votes

Do all forms of symmetric encryption require multiple pieces of information? (nonce, iv, etc)

1 vote

Which hash algorithms are suitable for use with Elliptic-curve cryptography

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