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mephisto's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
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1 vote

How do I construct the Fn family of functions of WOTS+ using SHA3?

1 vote

Are my calculations about WOTS parameters correct?

1 vote

Making WOTS+ public keys shorter

2 votes

Can we use a Merkle Tree structure to reduce digest size?

0 votes

How do discrete logarithm with modulo a prime and a non-prime compare?

6 votes

Attack on security model for RSA-FDH

2 votes

Symmetric Key Encryption is not Authentication?

2 votes

Combining classical attacks and quantum cryptanalysis

3 votes

Could we use a more efficient hash for signature generation?

1 vote

Practical quantum attacks on SHA256 MAC and HMAC

2 votes

How many messages before Sphincs(+) becomes insecure?

1 vote

What is the connection between "replay attack" to CCA security?

4 votes

What is the mathematical property stating that it is hard to find a collision in the AES algorithm?

6 votes

Security of XORing hashes vs concatenating

4 votes

Information-theoretic security

1 vote

Keyed reversible hash function?

1 vote

Effect of tail cutting and precision of discrete Gaussian sampling on LWE / Ring-LWE security

2 votes

Does a concatenation of hashes of differently prefixed variations of any chosen message contain all possible finite bitstrings?

2 votes

Bitmasks or seed along with public key in WOTS+ post-quantum signatures

4 votes

Real world performance of (still theoretical) Grover's Algorithm

1 vote

Winternitz-OTS+ with Poly1305

1 vote

Smallest 256-bit security hash-based OTS?

2 votes

Blind Hash Signatures?

6 votes

How to use SPHINCS+?

7 votes

Difference Between Gravity-SPHINCS and SPHINCS+?

6 votes

Most Compact Secure Post-Quantum Signatures and Public Keys?

2 votes

Confusion about security of quantum key distribution

1 vote

Are Two Ciphers Better Than One? i.e. RC4 and AES

4 votes

Idiomatic description for an adversary in possesion of a quantum computer?

3 votes

Why do we need Collision Resistant Hash Function for the Merkle Tree Signature Scheme?