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user4982's user avatar
user4982's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
4 votes

Encryption Key derivation from numeric PIN?

4 votes

What are the pros/cons of using symmetric crypto vs. hash in a commitment scheme?

4 votes

How is the AEScrypt password related to the underlying AES key

4 votes

Key space: Dense and sparse

4 votes

Using Whirlpool hashing function to encrypt data

4 votes

OFB or CTR mode without an IV

4 votes

random access stream cipher

4 votes

Are ZKPPs possible with server-side hashed passwords?

4 votes

HKDF vs TLS PRF. Which of the one is better?

4 votes

How do I produce a stream of secure random numbers from AES-Counter mode?

3 votes

Text in random image encoder: is it flawed?

3 votes

How to generate many passwords from one passphrase, so that knowledge of one password does not compromise the others?

3 votes

Explicit Key SHA-1

3 votes

Would RSA make sense if we used no computers?

3 votes

Extracting only the entropy

3 votes

Blockwise Montgomery multiplication

3 votes

Purpose of leading zero in PKCS1-v1_5 padding

3 votes

How to judge if my work is meaningful in cryptography?

3 votes

Tweakable encryption algorithms vs Key wrapping

3 votes

Is it possible to decrypt double-key crypted file knowing public key and a having one or more original files?

2 votes

FIPS 140-2 compliant algorithms in Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider (Windows XP)

2 votes

Why use CBC-MAC? Why not just apply hash function on the whole message?

2 votes

scrypt and bcrypt for benefits of both?

2 votes

Encoding multiple fields with same AES key and vector?

2 votes

Is encrypting a public key with a symmetric key safe?

2 votes

RSA primes vs. largest known primes

2 votes

Decrypting encrypted files if i have the original files(Plain Text attack)

2 votes

What is the usual block cipher mode that goes with CTS

2 votes

Any real world implementation using message recovery?

2 votes

Is it true for Java that the transformation mode and padding is ignored when using RSA?