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daniel's user avatar
daniel's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
5 votes

Does encrypting data multiple times using different passwords increase security?

5 votes

Is there an encryption algorithm, which is a magnitude faster than AES (with weaker guarantees)?

3 votes

What are the dangers of using CPU clock drift for generating random data?

2 votes

When is an RNG a CSPRNG, a CSRNG, or a TRNG?

2 votes

How can a system be non-deterministic?

2 votes

Does humanly verifiable one time pad authentication exist?

2 votes

Is there any way to have a coded string such that it can be decoded in multiple ways?

2 votes

Is AES256 the most secure encryption algorithm available at the moment?

2 votes

Would possessing a string with the SHA-256 hash of all zeros lead to an attack on SHA-256?

1 vote

How to encrypt a 192 bit plaintext using AES-192?

1 vote

Finding Vigenere's keys with part of decrypted text?

1 vote

Can one claim that AES is a perfect cipher?

1 vote

When will AES be "upgraded"?

1 vote

Why in one time pad must the key distribution to be truly random

1 vote

How to avoid carrying malicious data hidden in a key

1 vote

Is it possible to unroll stacked XOR'd strings without brute-force?

1 vote

E-voting: public tallying vs. vote selling

1 vote

How much entropy do you need for a secure certificate generation?

0 votes

Consider the use of double encryption applied to the AES algorithm with two 128-bit keys

0 votes

RNG Source Combining

0 votes

Whats the most secure way to encrypt a string without the use of a computer?

0 votes

Making brute force attacks less effective through obfuscation?

0 votes

How to transform a text into numbers in the shortest way possible?

0 votes

Including the next random One Time Pad as part of the encoded message?

-1 votes

Cryptography math requirements

-1 votes

What exactly is a quantum key distribution network for?

-1 votes

"Double Encryption" using the same cipher?