Another way to see this would be to try and upper bound the distinguishing advantage for any distinguisher and relate that to the statistical distance.
Since the following answer is really good, I will just give ideas without proofs.
Was supposed to be :
Since @Mikero's answer is really good...
What happens when you answer late and do not proof-read: self-Facepalm and hides in shame for bragging about my answer
Let $(X, Y)$ be two random variables on the set $\mathcal{X}$. We denote by $\Delta^D(X;Y)$ the distinguishing advantage of a distinguisher $D$ with binary output and by $\delta(X,Y)$ by the maximum distinguishing advantage for $(X,Y)$.(i.e the advantage of one optimal distinguisher).
We need to do two things:
- Give an "explicit description" of a deterministic distinguisher $\mathcal{D}$ that has advantage $\delta(X;Y)$
- show that $\delta(X;Y) = \Delta(X;Y)$
- The conclusion will be the implication in the question
First we show an explicit optimal deterministic distinguisher
For $X$ with distribution $Pr_X[x], x \in \mathcal{X}$ and $Y$ with distribution $Pr_Y[x]$, intuitively an optimal deterministic distinguisher $\mathcal{D}(\cdot)$ would do the following:
- $\mathcal{D}(x) = 0$ if $Pr_X[x] \geq Pr_Y[x]$
- $\mathcal{D}(x) = 1$, otherwise
Let $\mathcal{X}^* = \{x: Pr_X[x] \geq Pr_Y[x]\}$, we can show that $\Delta^{\mathcal{D}}(X,Y) = Pr[Y \in \mathcal{X}^*] - Pr[Y \in \mathcal{X}^*]$.
One can show that $\Delta^{\mathcal{D}}(X;y) = Pr[Y \in \mathcal{X}^*] - Pr[Y \in \mathcal{X}^*] = \delta(X;Y)$
Second, we relate the distinguishing advantage to the statistical distance
We have the following $\forall D, \Delta^D(X;Y) \leq \delta(X;Y)$ by defition, and on the other hand $\delta(X;Y) = \Delta(X;Y)$ therefore we have the following
$$\forall D, \Delta^D(X;Y) \leq \Delta(X,Y)$$.
In conclusion the statistical distance gives an upper bound on the performance of any distinguisher, probabilistic included.