Observe that it is not enough for the verifier to check that $v = v_L v_Ru^{d/2}$ only. The prover provides $v, v_L$ and $v_R$, furthermore, they know $u$. So the prover can cheat by claiming that some $v$ is the evaluation of $f(u)$ even if $com_f$ is not at all a commitment to $f$.
The reason for this extra computation is found in the note "recurse log d times". At a high level, the PCS built on bulletproofs is a recursive procedure where: a commitment $com_f$ to a polynomial $f$ and a claimed evaluation value $v = f(u)$, the problem is recursively transformed into a similar problem of half the size. This means we have a new polynomial $f'$ with a commitment value $com_f'$ and claimed evaluation value $v'$. Those values are related to the initial ones in a manner that guarantees soundness.
Finally, the receiververifier can compute the inputs to the new (smaller) problem. But the receiververifier mustn't simply take the values $com_f', gp', v'$ from the prover. First, this improves bandwidth, but importantly, it allows the receiververifier to enforce consistency checks necessary for soundness.