As per specifications document,
"We have the natural restriction that at least two characters must be ciphered, i.e. $b \geq 2$"
where each character is represented by an integer of certain cardinality. So basically a $2$ integer array is the minimum.
However say I want to encrypt a single input integer derived from the rank then encipher method - say I havebut restrict it to a year between 1001 and 3000certain range. Using For example say the rank then encipher method, I would rank allcardinality of the years I want to encrypt first tointeger was $2000$ (so the range of possible values from {0,1,2,...1999} and then encipher that value using an integer FPE$0 - 1999$).
EDIT: Can this be done using BPS work as? (i.e. Would it be acceptable to simply input an integer FPEarray of size one to the algorithm with the cardinality as described in the paper titled 'Format Preserving Encryption' by Bellare and Rogaway? If so howrange I want?)
I am trying to encrypt a year, but in a way that does not result in a year greater than current year.