When you know $e,d,N$, you can calculate $ed-1$, which is a multiple of $\Phi(n)$. I guess that's what you meant by
$\Phi(n)$ will have multiple values.
The sentence itself is wrong, though. As a function it does not have "multiple values" for a fixed $n$. You know a multiple of the value.
There are various algorithms to do this:
- A probabilistic algorithm was given in the original RSA paper A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman, 1978
- A deterministic algorithm was given in Computing the RSA Secret Key is Deterministic Polynomial Time Equivalent to Factoring by May, 2004.
- This answer on SOThis answer on SO references a different paper called Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem by Boneh, 1999.
This looks like a homework question, so I won't give an explicit algorithm.