A lot ofMany cryptocurrencies is using Secp256k1 (for example:use https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Secp256k1).
Every cryptocurrency library comes with its own redundant implementation of Secp256k1, ECDSA, RIPEMD160, and SHA256. So, there can be some inconsistencyinconsistencies across implementationimplementations.
What if some library generates a private key using a different curve than Secp256k1. Eg. some? For example, one with less security, or even a backdoor. Choosing different points, etc.
Then they share only the public key with blockchain, of course. Is it possible that such a thing would work? Can some public key appear valid for Secp256k1, but in fact use another elliptic curve?
I just came across many opensourceopen source cryptocurrency libraries, where they generate private keys and everyone is using custom implementations of these. So if I should at least compare source code and look for some specific set of constants.