Note: Most actual implementations of RSA decryption follow these steps, because that requires several times less computational effort than computing $m=c^d\bmod n$ directly, and parallelizeparallelizes better on top of that.
That yields 5The 3×3 cases for $(u,v)$ reduce to at most 5 for the numbernumbers $u\,v$ of solutions for $m$.:
- $\;\gcd(e,p-1)\gcd(e,q-1)\quad$ [when $\gcd(c,n)=1\,$].
- $\;\gcd(e,p-1\quad$ [when $q$ divides $c$; value can conflate with case 1]
- $\;\gcd(e,q-1\quad$ [when $p$ divides $c$; value can conflate with case 1]
- $\;1$ (when$\;1\quad$ [when $c=0$; value can conflate with cases 1/2/3)3]
- $\;0$ (can$\;0\quad$ [can occur only when $c$ is not obtained by actual encryption)encryption]