Adding more qubits does not increase the computation speed. A quantum computer with 4 qubits does not factorize faster than one with 2. The qubits are the "memory" of the quantum computer. More qubits mean you can factor bigger numbers. If I remember correctly, you need a superposition of $\Theta(N^2)$ terms, which means $\Theta(\log(N^2))$ qubits to factor N. The running time of Shor's algorithm is $O((\log N)^3)$ to factorize $N$. What is important to remember is that Shor's algorithm can only factorize (by solving the discrete log problem). [See wikipedia's entry on Shor's algorithm.][1]See wikipedia's entry on Shor's algorithm.
As for Grover's algorithm, it provides quadratic advantage over classical computers for "black-box" queries. So a quantum computer could perform a brute-force attack in $O(\sqrt{N})$ trials whereas a classical computer would need $O(N)$ trials. Again, increasing the number of qubits does not lower the running time, but increases the "memory" of the quantum computer. In order to run Grover's algorithm to brute-force a key, you need a superposition of all keys, which requires $\log K$ qubits where $K$ is the number of possible keys. [1]: