I am following Vitalik Buterin's article to study zk-SNARKs recently.
I can understand the main procedure of zk-SNARKs when given example equation x**3 + x + 5 == 35. However, in cryptography, most equations contain exponents. For example, the prover may want to prove the knowledge of $a$ in $g^a=A$. In this case, an arithmetic circuit seems hard to be built by multiplication gates (since the number of multiplication gates is not fixed).
Then I think of elliptic curve, which can transform $g^a=A$ into $a\cdot g=A$ where $g$ is an elliptic curve point. By doing so, it suits the *form of multiplication gate. But this brings up another problem: the multiplication is actually an elliptic curve operation instead of basic arithmetic.
Therefore, I wonder how exponents and group operations can be transformed into arithmetic circuits.