$16$ times per DES block encryption, an essentially random entry among $64$ is used in each of the S-boxes. A 1-bit RAM corruption in one of the S-boxes has probability near $1-(63/64)^{16}\approx22\%$ to affect the block. In most implementations of encryption based on DES, S-boxes (in whatever form they may be) are reused from one block encrypted to the other, and then an error in S-boxes would affect about that proportion of the blocks encrypted after the corruption occurred.
In CBC mode (which we are told applies), an error in a block encryption will affect later ciphertext. Encrypting with one bad entry in an S-box would cause the wrong ciphertext to be produced starting from the first block in error. That would be made apparent by using a known-good DES-CBC encryption applied to the known plaintext with known key and known IV, and comparing to the actual ciphertext. And when deciphering the ciphertext using a known-good DES-CBC decryption, the result would match the known plaintext except for about 22% of the blocks.
If the observed errors are consistent with that (or perhaps with 40% of the blocks in error on decryption for two bad S-box entries), the hypothesis that the error is caused by a corruption in the S-boxes makes sense. If there was much less blocks in error (or for a single block in error, more than about a dozen contiguous blocks not affected by the error after a block in error), the hypothesis would be dubious at best.
That hypothesis can probably be confirmed and the defect pinpointed. We need to:
- Deduce the input and output of one (or a few) DES block in error
- Find which alteration of the S-boxes would cause exactly such input/output pair for the known key. We don't need optimized code to try every alteration of 1 bit in the S-boxes (2048 attempts, or at most 64 if we restrict to active S-boxes), or every alteration of a single entry (7680 attempts, or at most 240 with the same optimization). It's still very feasible to try every alteration of 2 active S-boxes (≤27000 attempts). With some care, we could find much larger alterations.
- Confirm the finding, e.g. by deciphering the ciphertext with the altered S-boxes.