I've been stuck in this problem for a while, this is a challenge about Symmetric RSA:
We know that
$N = p*q$
$e = p$
$ct = pt^p \bmod N$ (1)
We are given $ct$ (which is the flag encrypted) and 4 more $ct$ where we can freely choose 4 numbers (plaintext) then the server will return new CT respectively using $p$ and $N$ (we don't know $p$, $q$ and $N$). How to find $p$ and $N$? I tried to do research on my own and something seem to be helpful are Little Fermat and DLP
Little Fermat: $a^p \equiv a \bmod p$ ($p$ is prime and $a$ is not divisible by $p$)
DLP: $g^x \equiv h \bmod p$ Then what is $x$?
Please help me I will be very grateful.