Let's suppose I've given a lattice $L$. I'm allowed to spend as much pre-computation as I want to produce a poly-sized advice string, and I use it to find the best basis possible for the lattice.
Then I am given CVP challenges. I use Babai's nearest plane, with my high-quality basis, to solve CVP. How well do I do?
I can see from, e.g., http://www.noahsd.com/mini_lattices/05__babai.pdf, that I can solve $\gamma$-CVP with
$$\gamma = \sqrt{n+1}\max_{i\geq j}\frac{\Vert b_j^*\Vert}{\Vert b_i^*\Vert}$$
where $b_i^*$ are the Gram-Schmidt vectors from the lattice. So I would want this value to be as small as possible. But what guarantees can I have about this? Is there a worst-case lattice where this quantity is exponentially large? Is there an average-case behaviour?
I can see lots written to bound this quantity after LLL, or after some quantity of BKZ, but I want to know about the best possible.