I'm writing some software that requires the use of a CSPRNG with javascript for use in the browser and I'm wondering what libraries are available. Crypto-js doesn't seem to have a CSPRNG I can directly call (unless I missed it?). I've looked through the Stanford crypto js library, but I'm uncertain how much analysis this code has gotten. http://bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/doc/symbols/sjcl.random.html
They appear to be implementing Schneier's Fortuna: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fortunaprng/
I've also seen https://www.clipperz.com/open_source/javascript_crypto_library/.
My question is there a well vetted crypto js library that has a well designed CSPRNG that generates values independently of some browser support? Or with a standard all modern browsers implement? And where is the entropy source? I'm used to crypto with languages like java and C++, not this fragmented world.