For one-way authentication (where Bob is the server and Alice the client), I would rather do something like this:
Alice → Open Connection → Bob
Alice ← $R$ ← Bob
Alice → $K_{A-B} (R)$ → Bob
By using a “once-in-a-lifetime” value $R$, and then checking the returned value, $K_{A-B} (R)$, Bob can be sure that both Alice is who she says she is (since she knows the secret key value needed to encrypt $R$) and is "live" (since she has encrypted the nonce, $R$, that Bob just created).
Your description looks pretty similar but it notes a $Cert_b$ which I interpret to be a certificate. A certificate does not represent a “once-in-a-lifetime” value. In your case, Bob would not be sure if Alice is "live" because the certificate data could have been collected/intercepted at an earlier time… potentially by Eve instead of Alice. As a result, authentication would fail secure verification in your protocol description. In the end, you're facing the possibility of crashing into a replay attack by Eve when doing it your way.