In late 1997, the history of public-key cryptography was turned around with the announcement (then extended) that
- public-key cryptography was theorized in a 1970 note [1] by James Henry Ellis: The Possibility of Secure Non-Secret Digital Encryption;
- a feasible realization of that, similar to RSA, was described in a 1973 note [2] by Clifford Christopher Cocks: A note on Non-Secret Encryption;
- another feasible realization, similar to Diffie-Hellman key exchange, was described in a 1974 note [3] by Malcolm John Williamson: Non-Secret Encryption Using a Finite Field, and a 1976 note [4] (same author): Thoughts on cheaper Non Secret Encryption.
An account of these discoveries is given in a 1987 note [5] by J. H. Ellis: The History of Non-Secret Encryption; this is my rendering of an April 1998 ps archive, and is very similar to this document obtained from the NSA by FoIA case #19136 (narrative).
This calendar of event is confirmed by the December 1977 document [6] by J. H. Ellis: The Authentication Problem, obtained (with references redacted) in the same FoIA case, containing:
Non-Secret Encryption has now reached the phase where it is being considered for possible applications, and I find that many people are worried that the danger of spoofing may make its use untenable.
There is a writing by Simon Singh (in the The Code Book) about J. H. Ellis, C. C. Cocks, M. J. Williamson, and the coming out of the story.
All versions of documents [1]..[5] that I could locate (in 2014) are clearly re-typesettings (with the possible exception of the FoIA source for [5]). Ross Anderson hypothetized that there might have been alterations in the declassification process as an attempt to deny the existence of the then-secret GCHQ by re-attributing the documents to the CESG.
Also, I observe a discrepancy between an indication about [2] given in [3] by M. J. Williamson:
The information rate of the system is low in that 3 bits are broadcast for every 1 of the message. (The ratio in the method of [2] is 2 for 1).
and [2] as we read it, where there is nothing suggesting a significant expansion of plaintext to ciphertext; which in modern terminology is per textbook RSA, with public exponent equal to the modulus, and splitting of message in ECB mode:
The sender has a message, consisting of numbers $C_1$, $C_2$, $\dots$ $C_r$ with $0 < C_i < N$
He sends each, encoded as $D_i$ where $D_i = C_i^N$ reduced modulo $N$.
This opens a possibility that the author of [3] had access to material about [2] different from what we have (perhaps, more extensive than the remarkably terse version that we know). For example it could be that M. J. Williamson considered a single $C$, and the overhead related to $N$, as would be natural if $C$ was the key to another cryptosystem.
Are there public verbatim copies of any of the originals, or hope to obtain these?
Also: Is there an account of the circumstances of the early diffusion of any of these documents?