Theoretically, since the domain of SHA-256 contains $2^{2^{64}-1}$ different messages and the value set only contains $2^{256}$ different message digests, there must exist at least one possible output that has more than one possible pre-image.
Another important point is that SHA-256 is a deterministic function. This means that if you hash the same message twice, you will get the same digest both times. Hence, "almost unique" should be understood as meaning that SHA-256 will likely produce a different hash for each different input message. This might be false in an abstract mathematical sense, but it is probably true in a more practical sense:
In practice, uniqueness is not determined by the abstract theoretical non-existence of collisions, but by the practical non-existence of collisions. In order to find a collision in SHA-256, you would probably have to execute the algorithm some $2^{128}$ times. It is unlikely that this will happen anytime soon, even if you count the total number of times SHA-256 will ever be executed by anyone in the entire universe combined.
Does a message "exist" if it belongs to a well defined abstract set, or does it "exist" because it has actually been produced and has been represented by someone or something in the physical reality?