Let assume party $B$ wants to receive secure multi-party computation (MPC) output.
The are many private set intersection (PSI) protocols that support only two parties but they cannot support multi-party. In this case, party $B$ needs to run PSI with party $A$. Then $B$ uses the result as the input and runs two-party PSI with party $C$ and, so on. However, this setting leaks more information to client $B$, than the protocol supporting, multi-party PSI.
Example: let computation be "set intersection"
Assume party $A$ has $S_{A}=\{1,2,3\}$
party $B$ has $S_{B}=\{1,2\}$
party $C$ has $S_{C}=\{2,5\}$
Party $B$ in the protocol only supporting two-party receives:
1- $K=S_A\cap S_B=\{1,2\}$
2- $K'=S_C \cap S_B=\{2\}$
Then, it finds $K\cap K'=\{2\}$. So it learns party A has $1$ but party C does not have $1$.
In contrast, if a protocol could support multi-party client B would only learn the intersection of all sets that is $\{2\}$.
Question: What are the real-world applications (examples) of multiple-party PSI?
So I can use the examples to show/justify that protocol supporting multi-party PSI is better (in terms of security) than those only supporting two-party.