I recently stumbled across Thomas Pornin's old answer about deterministic (EC)DSA again. There he states the following:
Note that $k$ must be generated uniformly in the $[1, q-1]$ range (where $q$ is the subgroup order). Any information on $k$, even partial (such as: values between $1$ and $2^{160}-q$ are twice as probable than values between $2^{160}-q$ and $q$), can be exploited by the attacker.
When asked for clarification on this, he responded with a link to "The Security of DSA and ECDSA Bypassing the Standard Elliptic Curve Certification Scheme" by Vaudenay (PS) which mentions that Bleichenbacher discovered the attack and mentioned it in private communication with the author.
Now the paper has a short paragraph (section 2.2), which basically states an approximate equation for the bias and says that
Bleichenbacher actually used it in order to approximate the secret key more and more precisely with signatures.
Now my question:
How does this attack work in a more detailed description? or formulated differently: How does one exploit this tiny bias to recover the secret key and how many signatures (ie oracle queries) are required for this along with what approximate computational effort (if it is non-negligible)?
The relevant section from the paper is (for your convenience):
The initial standard pseudorandom generator in DSA for $k$ was simply a 160-bit pseudorandom number reduced modulo $q$. Bleichenbacher observed that the probability of $k$ in the $[0, 2^{160} − q]$ range have probability which is twice of the others. This leads to a bias
$$E\left(e^{\frac{2i\pi k}q}\right)\approx \frac{q e^{i\pi\frac{N-1}q}}{\pi N} \times \sin\left(\frac{\pi N}q\right)$$
where $N=2^{160}$. Since $q \approx N$, this may be large depending on the $\frac{\pi N}q$ angle. Bleichenbacher actually used it in order to approximate the secret key moreand more precisely with signatures.