I'm trying to solve the ECDLP problem given an elliptic curve defined over a prime field. This prime is large (about 256 bits).
I managed to factor the order of the curve, and most of the prime factors were smooth, but two of the factors weren't, they were about 80 bits each. I'm given two points $P$ and $Q$, and $Q = nP$, so the goal is to find $n$.
So the order has some smooth factors and some not so smooth factors, so I tried to apply pollard rho to the semi-large primes but that's still a $O(\sqrt{2^{80}})$ complexity, which I think will take too long.
I started looking at Pollard's lambda algorithm. I'm not given a bound on $n$, but I was given an upper bound on $n$, so I know that $n < U$, $U$ was about $b$ bits, could I use with pollard's lambda algorithm (or pollard's rho algorithm) so it's more efficient than $O(\sqrt{2^{80}})$
So is it possible pollard's lambda with the pohlig-hellman algorithm, or is the a better attack to use if I know a number $U$ so that $n < U$ and $Q = nP$.