It can be shown that if $E$ is a deterministic encryption with key of length $n$ and messages of length $l\geq n + 10$ then there exist two messages $m_0$, $m_1$ and a strategy for Eve so that given an encryption $c = E_{k}(m_b)$ for random $k$ and $b \in \{0, 1\}$, Eve can output $m_b$ with probability at least $0.99$. (Eve is computationally unbounded)
Proof is shown here (in the last page):
Now, I would like to prove the exact same thing for random encryption algorithms that use, say n, random bits. The problem is that the set of all possible encryptions of a certain message can be much larger. Let's say $E$'s random bits are $r\gets\{0,1\}^n$ drawn uniformly, then the set $\{E(m;r)\}_{k,r}$ can have size $2^{2n}$ which might be (much) larger than $2^l$ where $l$ is the length of messages.
Comparing to the deterministic proof, it is not hard to show that if we still choose $m_0$ arbitrarily and use the same kind of decision rule for $A$ the adversary, there exists a randomized $E$ and some $m_0$ such that for every $m_1$ the probability for $A$ to be correct is bad. So in order to deal with the randomized case, we must not choose $m_0$ arbitrarily or come up with a new decision rule for $A$.
Our only assumption is that $D_k(E_{k}(m;r))=m$ for all $r,m,k$. (The decryption algorithm cannot "miss")
I was wondering if anyone could offer a useful observation or any hints.