Assume that the encryption uses $n$-bit keys to encrypt $l(n)$-length messages.
If a symmetric key encryption scheme is defined as $\Pi_{1} = ( \mathrm{Enc}, \mathrm{Dec} )$, then for every $x_{0}, x_{1} \in \{0,1\}^{l(n)}$, $$ \left\vert \Pr\left[ A (\mathrm{Enc}_{U_{n}}(x_{0})) = 1\right] - \Pr\left[ A (\mathrm{Enc}_{U_{n}}(x_{1})) = 1\right] \right\vert < \varepsilon(n) $$ if it is computational secure.
And if a symmetric key encryption scheme is defined as $\Pi_{2} = ( \mathrm{Gen}, \mathrm{Enc}, \mathrm{Dec} )$, then for every $x_{0}, x_{1} \in \{0,1\}^{l(n)}$, $$ \left\vert \Pr\left[\mathrm{Gen}(1^{n})=k; A (\mathrm{Enc}_{k}(x_{0})) = 1\right] - \Pr\left[\mathrm{Gen}(1^{n})=k; A (\mathrm{Enc}_{k}(x_{1})) = 1\right] \right\vert < \varepsilon(n) $$ if it is computational secure.
The definition of security is different because the definition of the encryption is different. Generally, we do not require that the distribution of $\mathrm{Gen}$ must be uniform. But it seems that the uniform distribution is always the best. So, if $\Pi_{2}$ is a computational secure scheme, I want to know whether there exists a PPT algorithm $\mathrm{Gen}'$ which is uniform such that $$ \left\vert \Pr\left[\mathrm{Gen}'(1^{n})=k; A (\mathrm{Enc}_{k}(x_{0})) = 1\right] - \Pr\left[\mathrm{Gen}'(1^{n})=k; A (\mathrm{Enc}_{k}(x_{1})) = 1\right] \right\vert < \varepsilon(n) $$