Let $\mathcal{E} = (G, E, D)$ be a CCA-secure public-key encryption scheme defined over $(\mathcal{M, C})$ where $\mathcal{C} := \{0, 1\}^\ell$.
Let $\mathcal{E'} = (G, E', D')$ be a scheme (over $(\mathcal{M, C'})$ where $\mathcal{C'} := \{0, 1\}^{\ell + 1}$) where:
- $E'(pk, m) = E(pk,m) \Vert 0$
- $D'(sk, c) = D(sk, c[0...\ell - 1])$
That is, $E'$ always puts a $0$ in the ciphertext and $D'$ ignores the last bit of the ciphertext.
How can an attacker, with just $1$ query, break $\mathcal{E}'$ CCA security?
Additional information:
The query can be one of these:
Encryption query: the attacker sends a pair os messages $(m_0, m_1)$ and gets a ciphertext $c_i$ of one of them.
Decryption query: the attacker sends a ciphertext $c$ and gets its corresponding message.