I have a quadratic system of equations related to a balanced RSA modulus $n=pq$ (i.e. $\log p\approx\log q$), and I want to give an upper bound on the number of solutions. Indeed, let $p_i,q_i$ be binary variables, and let $c_i$ be integers such that $0\leq c_i\leq i+1$.
$$\left\{\begin{array}{ll} p_0q_0&=c_0\\ p_0q_1+p_1q_0 &= c_1\\ p_0q_2+p_1q_1+p_2q_0 &= c_2\\ p_0q_3+p_1q_2+p_2q_1+p_3q_0 &= c_3\\ &\vdots \\ \sum_{i+j=k}p_iq_j &= c_k \end{array}\right.$$
Given the fact that one solution to this system exists (i.e., the complete factorization $p,q$), I wanted to quantify the number of other solutions to this quadratic system.
I know that there are lattice representations that help in this direction, and probabilistic and deterministic algorithms that actually solve them. But I want just to have an estimate on the number of solutions, maybe taking into account the symmetry of the system. A hint or reference will be highly appreciated.