You could accomplish this using a secret sharing scheme, which doesn't require any public key cryptography. An $(n,k)$ secret sharing scheme allows a secret to be divided up into $n$ shares such that the secret can be recovered from any $k$ shares. However, if you only have $k - 1$ shares you cannot recover any information about the secret.
Here, we will use a simple additive $(3,3)$ secret sharing scheme over a finite field $\mathbb{F}$. Given a secret $s \in \mathbb{F}$, we can split it into three shares:
[s]_1, [s]_2, [s]_3 \in_R \mathbb{F} \mid s = [s]_1 + [s]_2 + [s]_3
Each of the three shares is uniformly distributed at random, so an adversary holding only one or two shares learns nothing about the secret $s$. Recovering the secret from all three shares is simple: just add them
all together. A nice property of this scheme is that it's linear, so we can add two secrets together by adding their shares together:
s_a + s_b = ([s_a]_1 + [s_b]_1) + ([s_a]_2 + [s_b]_2) + ([s_a]_3 + [s_b]_3)
This means that we can do additions on the secret values while they are secret shared, and thus we can compute simple functions without revealing
the secret inputs! In fact, there are even (complicated) protocols for
doing other operations on these secret shares, such as multiplication and exponentiation.
The protocol
Alice wants to send her secret $s_a$ and Bob wants to send his secret $s_b$ such that Charlie can only learn the sum $s' = s_a + s_b$ but not the individual values. We assume here that all of the players are connected by secure authenticated channels.
- Alice shares her secret $s_a$ by:
- Keeping $[s_a]_A$ for herself
- Sending $[s_a]_B$ to Bob
- Sending $[s_a]_C$ to Charlie
- Bob shares his secret $s_b$ the same way:
- Sending $[s_b]_A$ to Alice
- Keeping $[s_b]_B$ for himself
- Sending $[s_b]_C$ to Charlie
- Now we want each party to compute $s' = s_a + s_b$ on their local
- Alice computes $[s']_A = [s_a]_A + [s_b]_A$
- Bob computes $[s']_B = [s_a]_B + [s_b]_B$
- Charlie computes $[s']_C = [s_a]_C + [s_b]_C$
- Finally, Alice and Bob open their result towards Charlie:
- Alice sends Charlie $[s']_A$
- Bob sends Charlie $[s']_B$
- Charlie now has the following information:
- One share of $s_a$: $[s_a]_C$
- One share of $s_b$: $[s_b]_C$
- Three shares of $s'$: $[s']_A, [s']_B, [s']_C$
Charlie doesn't have enough shares to recover $s_a$ or $s_b$, but he can
easily recover $s'$ as:
s' = [s']_A + [s']_B + [s']_C
Note that this simplistic scheme is not robust, because Alice (or Bob)
could lie and provide shares $[s_a]_A + [s_b]_B + [s_b]_C \ne s_a$. To
protect against this, you'd want to use a verifiable secret sharing
scheme so that the players can detect an inconsistent sharing.
This protocol is interactive, because it requires Alice and Bob to send their $[s_a]_B$ respectively $[s_b]_A$ values to each other. With some
minor modifications, it could be made non-interactive.