Q: Is there any other condition for a cryptosystem to be stated as provable secure?
The term "provably secure" is commonly made about a set of mathematical assumptions about a cryptosystem. The proof is performed by showing that the assumptions hold within the mathematical model or domain. The assumptions can be proven "by hand" or to use computer assisted applications such as SAT solvers, in which case the assumptions should be rigorously described.
It does not depend on the time it takes to study the problem; studying time is not part of the model in which the assumptions are proven to be secure after all. Neither does the proof of security rely on cryptanalysis the way that you state. Cryptanalysis can just nullify the assumptions made on the system in which a system is proven to be secure; it should not nullify the proof itself.
For instance; if RSA encryption has been assumed to be secure and quantum computers render it insecure then replacing RSA encryption with a post quantum algorithm should fix the security proof. The security proof only relies on a the definition of a secure asymmetric cryptosystem consisting of ${Gen, Enc, Dec}$.
Is it of course possible that the proof itself is invalid or that the system is specified incorrectly. It happens regularly that mathematical solutions to stated problems are shown to be incorrect after all. Sometimes these errors can be fixed, fixed partially (e.g. by adding more constraints to the system) and sometimes the proof is completely destroyed. In that sense it is of vital importance that a proof is validated by other parties. An example of this is what happened to the RSA OAEP security proof which was invalidated and partially fixed.
Implementations cannot fully be proven to be secure as the underlying system generally cannot be proven to be secure. It is however possible - but often very hard - to prove that software implements a provably secure protocol successfully. It is even possible to certify such software - software consists of mathematical formulas after all. But such security evaluation is generally only performed on very simple systems because most software systems are simply too complex to prove secure.
Future expectation
Future expectation doesn't have anything to do with provable security. In math something is secure or it isn't. If the system is insecure then something is either wrong with the model, some assumptions that were made concerning the model made are proven to be incorrect or the implementation is deemed to be insecure. The provable security is only destroyed if the model was proven insecure (but that's of little consolation if your security has been breached by sidestepping the security proof).
Q: Provable secure is not the same as probable secure. Does this last term have a broader definition in Cryptography?
I'm not sure if there is a good definition of "probably secure". You should have to look at the context to understand what it is supposed to mean. But it will undoubtedly have a broader definition than provably secure.
Example, in maths a probable prime it's a pseudoprime (prime with probability threshold). And a provable prime is a prime that has been proved to be prime (i.e satisfies Fermat test and is not a Carmichael Number).
Exactly: a provable prime has mathematically been proven to be prime. Nothing can be done to make it non-prime, not analysis, nor implementation nor future expectation.
A probable prime is just considered a prime because it adheres to strong heuristics to show that it is very likely prime. But it can still be proven to be otherwise.