You can generate an example of the ascii input by running:
dieharder -o -f example.input -t 10
It will basically be something like:
# generator mt19937 seed = 3865342443
type: d
count: 10
numbit: 32
However note, that dieharder will expect that each line of ascii file is either integers in the range 0 to 2^31-1 or decimal with at least ten significant digits (details are here). So maybe in your case, it's easier to produce raw binary files.
Btw, you'll need about 20GB or even more (for raw file) for proper testing. Otherwise, it's hard to say if test failed due to PRNG or too many rewounds (last tests require lots of data and even with 20GB in the standard mode, dieharder will rewound file multiple times).