RSA keys are notoriously blobs. I'm looking to make something more human readable. I want to take the mathematical operation and convert it to a number that can be easily expressed as a series of words against a set indexed wordlist. The first step is converting the RSA.key file to a binary number. Next step is subtracting, or adding one, and dividing by 24. Number theory.
Once that number is obtained, the words that make up the dictionary, and their respective numerical value, or even the raw value of the word, depending on its position, say for instance, "helpful" could have an index value of 1171 or could be given a value of "85121662112" based on a concatenation of the index value of the letters against a standard alphabet. These words are operated on, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, etc., until the original value of the RSA key can be recreated. This should allow the RSA keys to be easily checked for manipulation and verify the authenticity, or easily communicated by phone.
Any thoughts? It isn't exactly pure cryptography, but cryptographic adjacent.
My question is "Does anyone have any input on pseudocode or python implementation?"