I was looking at the proof of a change of base formula for the discrete logarithm in this paper (page 6, 4th bullet indent).
In the intruduction, the paper states:
Let $F_q$ be a finite field of order $q$, where $q=p^n$ ($p$ prime), and let $F_q^* = F_q -\{0\}$. Given $g$, a primitive element of $F_q$, and an arbitrary $y\in F_q^*$, the discrete logarithm of $y$ base $g$ is defined as $$ \log_g y = x \iff g^x=y \text{ in } F_q \text{ and } 0\leq x\leq q-2.$$
And then the author of the paper proves the change of base formula for the discrete logarithm:
Suppose $\Gamma$ is another primitive element of $F_q$ and we know $\log_g \Gamma = \gamma$.
$\Gamma$ and $g$ both primitive $\implies \gcd(\gamma , q-1)=1$
$\implies \exists \overline\gamma$ such that $\gamma \overline\gamma \equiv 1 \pmod{q-1} \implies g=\Gamma ^{\overline\gamma}$ in $F_q$.
Therefore $\log_g y = x \iff y = g^x = \Gamma ^{\overline\gamma x}$ in $F_q \iff \log_\Gamma y \equiv \overline\gamma x \pmod{q-1}$.
Multiplying the last congruence by $\gamma$ gives $\log_g y \equiv \log_g \Gamma \cdot \log_\Gamma y \pmod{q-1}$.
My question is, why does the following holds (from the beginning of the proof): $$ g \text{ and } \Gamma \text{ both primitive element of } F_q \text{ and } \log_g \Gamma =\gamma \implies \gcd(\gamma , q-1)=1 $$