I have a question on the disprove of the CCA-security given in Katz & Lindell's textbook (2nd edition) in chapter 3.7 on page 97. It works like this:
- Consider our construction based on PRFs: $\text{Enc}(k, m) := (r , s) = (r , F (k, r ) \oplus m)$
- Set $m_0 = 0^n$ and $m_1 = 1^n$
- Adversary A gets $(r , s)$ and flips the first bit of s. Denote the ciphertext by $(r , s' )$
- A sends $(r , s' )$ to his decryption oracle
- A obtains either $0\mathbin\|1^{n−1}$ or $1\mathbin\|0^{n−1}$ which allows him to win the game
My question: Why does A not obtain $0\mathbin\|1^{n−1}$ and $1\mathbin\|1^{n−1}$ or $0\mathbin\|0^{n−1}$ and $1\mathbin\|0^{n−1}$ and can therefore still distinguish the messages, if $n>2$?