So I was casually practicing RSA on paper for an exam, I did the whole process I wrote bellow, and when I tried the encryption and decryption I got distracted and instead of doing $m^e \mod n$
I did $m^e \mod {\phi(n)}$ and both the decryption and encryption worked. Is this normal?
Here are the numbers: $$ p = 11\\ q = 23\\ n = (p\cdot q) = (7 \cdot 23) = 253\\ \phi(n) = (p-1) \cdot (q-1) = 220\\ e = 7\\ d = 63 \\ $$ I got d using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm: $$ gcd(220, 7)\\ 220 = 7 * 31 + 3 \\ 7 = 3 * 2 + 1 \\ $$ $$ 1 = 7 + 3(-2)\\ 1 = 7 + (220 + 7(-31))(-2)\\ 1 = 7(63) + 220(-2)\\ $$