I am trying to understand a request I reverse engineered which is sent to a Daly BMS over BLE.
Those requests change the 'sleep after' in seconds of the BMS:
- For DDDD seconds:
d2 06 00 8A DD DD 22 8A
- For FFFF seconds:
d2 06 00 8A FF FF BA 33
- For EEEE seconds:
d2 06 00 8A EE EE 76 6F
- For FFFE seconds:
d2 06 00 8A FF FE 7B F3
- For 0000 seconds:
d2 06 00 8A 00 00 BB 83
As you can see:
- The 'asleep' request start with the fixed:
d2 06 00 8A
prefix - The data follows;
- The last two bytes is probably a CRC-16, which could be a custom one.
I'd like to build the last two digit by code.
Therefore, how can I get further? How can I understand how the two last bytes are built?
After the answer of @poncho, I share the implementation of the reverse CRC16 I wrote in Dart.
The dart pad is right there. Hope it helps.