should be used like passwords(known only by few individuals)
Yes, that would work.
must always be the same for the same integer
True for single block encrypt using AES and using the full output. AES is a block cipher, and a keyed block cipher is a permutation, which is what you are looking for.
How easy is it to figure out the AES-Key and fixed nonce used to generate the string?
The key is protected by AES, and AES, as a block cipher, should not give any advantage to an attacker that knows input / output blocks. So the key should remain secure (as long as the cipher doesn't leak information, and the key is kept secure of course).
The nonce doesn't have any security properties in this scheme, so it can be dismissed. It will remain unknown until the key is known, and if the key gets known then it becomes easy to find it.
must always be different for different integers
Yes, that's a property of a permutation.
must not be easily to be created for another integer if they are known for some integers
Unless you know the key this is the case. You do however keep in mind that AES s not build to provide collision resistance. That means that there is a small chance that each guessed output value has a 1 in $2^{64}$ chance to have a correct input. There is only a 1 in $2^{128}$ chance to guess a good pair though (pick a long, and then guess the "result".
How easy is it to figure out the AES-Key and fixed nonce used to generate the string?
Already answered.
Or: How difficult is it to generate the password for another long integer?
How much would that improve if I used the integer itself or a hash of it as nonce?
Well, fortunately the value is padded using PKCS#7 compatible padding, otherwise it would completely destroy your scheme. It won't improve the scheme in any way.
- the person that has the key can retrieve back the nonce in your scheme;
- using a HMAC or KDF instead could improve your collision resistance, at the drawback of having a larger "result", i.e. password (it would also make the function irreversible, even to those that have the password, but having a small input size of 64 bits largely negates that benefit)