
From the Wikipedia page for DSA(Digital Signature Algorithm) we have the following private/public key generation:

  1. Choose an integer x randomly from [1, q-1]
  2. Compute y := g^x mod p
  3. x is the private key, y is the public key

My question is: How are we sure that there does not exist z != x from [1, q-1], such that y = g^x mod p = g^z mod p and as a result, obtaining the same public key for different (z and x) private keys


1 Answer 1


How are we sure that there does not exist z != x from [1, q-1], such that y = g^x mod p = g^z mod p and as a result, obtaining the same public key for different (z and x) private keys

We're sure about this because $g$ has order $q$, that is, $g^a \ne 1$ for any $a$ not a multiple of $q$ (and $g^q = 1$). And, if $z, x$ had the same public key, that is, if $g^z = g^x$, then $g^{z-x} = 1$, and so $z-x$ must be a multiple of $q$. Because we assume that $0 < z,x < q$, the only way this can be is if $z = x$, that is, they're the same private key. QED.

  • $\begingroup$ How can we prove that if g^z = g^x then g^(z-x) = 1? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 22, 2022 at 7:01
  • $\begingroup$ @ЛюбомирБорисов: multiply both sides by $g^{-x}$ $\endgroup$
    – poncho
    Commented Oct 22, 2022 at 12:55

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