Suppose you are given a value $c$. Can you find a prime $p$ and an integer $b$ such that the elliptic curve
$$E: y^2 \equiv x^3 -3x + b \pmod p$$
is cryptographically weak? You need to choose $p,b$ so that all of the following restrictions also hold:
$p$ has some desired size (say, 256 bits)
$1 < b < p$ and $1 < c < p$
$b^2 c \equiv -27 \pmod p$
the order $n$ of the curve is a prime number
By cryptographically weak, I mean that the discrete log problem is easy on the curve (or that some other standard cryptographic assumption is false).
Is there any known way to do this? Is there a procedure to find $p,b$ (as a function of $c$) satisfying all these conditions, where the procedure succeeds with non-negligible probability (say, probability $\ge 1/10^{12}$)? Or, is there a proof or heuristic argument that doing so is likely to be impossible?
Basically, this amounts to asking whether there's any way to ensure that the resulting elliptic curve has a non-trivial probability of being cryptographically weak, given ability to choose some (but not all) of the curve parameters.
(For instance, maybe you could choose $b$ however you like, factor $b^2c+27$, select an appropriate divisor as $p$, and hope that the resulting curve is vulnerable to some particular attack; or who knows what. Your choice of strategy.)
Motivation: If this problem has a solution, then it means that the NSA could have hidden a backdoor in the NIST-recommended elliptic curves (specifically, the P-xxx curves). Thus, it has implications for how much trust we can put in the those standard curves.