Let the following game be given:
- Prepare a key k <- KeyGen(1^Kappa)
- Choose a hidden bit h <- {0, 1} uniformly random
- Prepare a decryption oracle O_Dec. Given a cipher text c, it returns the decryption m
- Prepare a one-time oracle O_Test. When called with m_0, m_1, it will return the encryption of m_h. Call it c*
- Call the attacker with input 1^Kappa, O_Dec, O_Test and await a guess h'.
- If O_Dec was ever called with the output of O_Test, randomly accept or reject.
- If h = h' then accept else reject
My lecturer claims that there exists a polynomial time attacker with a non-negligible advantage for AES.
We have seen that obviously, a deterministic scheme is never IND-CPA secure since you can just ask for the encryption of both m_0 and m_1. But since we don't have access to an encryption oracle, we have to find cipher texts != c* that somehow reveal information when being decrypted.
I just don't see any structure in the encryption/decryption that might help us.
Since there is no mode of operation given. Just textbook AES for one block