
I am reading about Schnorr signature (for example, from BIP-340) and I thought, what if we add instead of multiplying for $s$? So, in the signing process it will be s = r + e + d mod n instead of s = r + e*d mod n. Verification will be the similar: calculate $s*G$ and compare it to $r*G + e*G + P$ instead of $r*G + e*P$.

$(r*G,s)$ is signature, $d$ is private key, $P$ is public key, $r$ is random value, $e = hash(r*G, P, message)$

Probably I am missing something obvious but I still did not get why it will be less secure. Signer shows that he knows the discrete logarithm of something for which he needs to know the private key.


1 Answer 1


With your modified signature scheme, you can generate forgeries with a single valid signature.

Let us assume you have a valid signature $(rG, s)$ to a message with hash $e$. That is, you have $sG = rG + eG + P$.

Then, if you have another message with hash $e'$ (with the same $r$), you can compute $s' = s - e + e'$; the new signature is $(rG, s')$

This validates, as $s'G = (s - e + e')G = sG - eG + e'G = (rG + eG + P) - eG + e'G = rG + e'G + P$


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