I recently started reading about Yao's Millionaires' problem. If the Yao's Millionaires' problem is capable of finding if one party has less money / more or equal money than the other party, then is it possible for one party to find the exact amount of money that the other party have?
I specifically read the articles posted by Professor Bill Buchanan:
Where as we can see the two parties that communicate with each other share a computed value (which is not the amount of money the have) and with the algorithm we are capable of finding out who has more money. As stated by Professor Bill : "In Millionaire's Problem, we can determine which of two millionaires has the most money, without them actually giving away the amount of money they have".
Now, let's move this problem to a program concept. Imagine a server that has a hardcoded value and accepts amounts from clients. Based on the Yao's Millionaires' problem, it responds to the users if their value is less than the servers (client_value < server_value) or if its greater or equal to the value that the server has (client_value >= server_value). Is it possible with some way for a client to find the exact value that the server have? (for example using binary search....?) And if its possible, then how? Remember that the clients and the server do not exchange their real values, but a value like Professor Buchanan showcases.