In the case of an Elliptic curve over a GF(p) which has order n and multiplicative group of n-1 elements, does multiplication of an element of a subgroup of order q where q is a divisor of n-1 with a scalar s obey the cyclic property, or plainly put does an element e member of subgroup q when multiplied with s stay in the subgroup?
Ok an update and the clarification, my colleague has put forth the claim that given the Nist256r1 curve, which has a prime number of elements (points), the number of valid integers/scalars that equals order n-1 can be factored into smaller subgroups, and if an element of that subgroup was used as the private key, part of a DH key, any subsequent multiplication of the resulting EC point would still remain in the subgroup bounded by the choice of private key. To me this sounds like mixing different groups but as I explained not a maths guy. So to restate the question: Is what he is claiming reasonable since that would constitute changing of the order of the calculated EC point.