
I am looking from 3 functions $f,g,h$ from $\mathbb N \to \mathbb N$ (they can be bijections, they need to be injective at least), such that:

$$f \circ h \circ g = h $$

and $f$ is hard to reverse programmatically, and $h$ is hard to reverse programmatically.

$g$ and $h$ cannot be keyed functions as they will be public.

Right now, I am using AES SP 801-108 for $h$ but any function hard to reverse will do.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Welcome to Cryptography.se Are you obligated to Block ciphers? What is the origin of this question? $\endgroup$
    – kelalaka
    Commented Feb 1 at 17:15
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ A block cipher is "hard to reverse programmatically" for one not knowing the key. The current question thus seems to allow the following straightforward construction. Note $E_k$ for AES encryption with key $k$, $D_k$ for the decryption. Pick two random secret distinct keys $k,ℓ$ and define $f=E_k∘D_ℓ$, $g=D_k∘E_ℓ$, $h=E_k$. It follows $f∘h∘g=E_k∘D_ℓ∘E_k∘D_k∘E_ℓ=E_k=h$. If this does not fit, please edit the question again; like, if the internals of some function must be public, and it or other function(s) must still be hard to reverse. $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Feb 2 at 8:24
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thank you very much for your help. Indeed, the internals of function h and g need to be public, therefore only f can be a keyed function. I updated the question accordingly. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 5 at 15:39
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Please expand on what "hard to reverse" is intended to mean. In particular, does being able to compute $f^{-1}$ count as reversing $f$? If not: what about textbook RSA with a public modulus of secret factorization, $g$ encryption, $f$ decryption, and $h$ encryption with another exponent and the same modulus? That satisfies the equation, and knowing the internals of $g$ and $h$ it's impossible to evaluate $f(x)$, $g^{-1}(x)$ or $h^{-1}(x)$ for random input $x\in[0,p)$. When either $g$, $h$ or $h∘g$ is applied to an appropriately padded message, it can't be deciphered without $f$. $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Feb 6 at 5:58

1 Answer 1


It is essentially key exchange: let $x$ be the input, $g$ encrypts $x$ using public key 1, $h$ encrypts the result using public key 2, and then $f$ decrypts the result using private key 1, where private key 1 and public key 1 is a public-key pair. Additionally we need the decryption $f$ cancels $g$ and leaves $h$, which can be obtained from many public-key schemes, such as RSA, suggested by @fgrieu.

The "hard-to-reverse" requirement of $f$ is tricky because the private-key often gives public-key as a simple reverse. If only $f$ is given, then it might be possible. This seems impossible if both $f, g$ are publicly given because they mush be dependent (if $f$ is parametered by $k$, then $g$ must depend on $k$).


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