The rings in which we work in the NTRU cryptosystem is $\mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^n-1)$ (one can work in this ring modulo an integer too). Hence the objects here are polynomials of the form $a_0+a_1x+\cdots+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}$ where the $a_i$'s are integers. Hence one can also represent any such object as a vector of cofficients $(a_0,a_1,\cdots,a_{n-1})$. When we manipulate vectors we omit the indeterminate $x$ which simplifies writing. It is known that we can associate to each NTRU cryptosystem an NTRU lattice falls in $\mathbb{Z}^{2n}$ this justifies why we use vectors. Concerning the security, it is believed that finding the private key is equivalent to finding a short vector in our lattice, this is hard especially when the dimension is very large. For more details about these questions you can follow the book 'An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography', of Silverman and Pipher and Hoffstein' (section 7.10)