The general construction of a LWE-based PKE looks like the following:
KeyGen :
Secret vector, sk :$ s \leftarrow \chi_s^m$
Public Key, pk: ($A \leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_q^{m \times m}, t = As + e)$ where $e \leftarrow \chi_e^m$
Encryption : To encrypt a message $\mu \in \{0,1\}$, the encryptor chooses $r \in \chi_r^m$, $e_1\in \chi_{e_1}^m$ and $e_2 \in \chi_{e_2}$, and computes:
$u^T = r^TA + e_1^T$
$v = r^T t + e_2 + \lfloor \frac{q}{2} \rceil \mu$
Decryption : To decrypt, one computes $w = v-s^Tu$ and apply a rounding function, i.e., if $w$ is close to 0, output 0, else, if $w$ is close to $\lfloor \frac{q}{2} \rceil$ output 1.
Question 1
Is there any relation between the distributions $\chi_s, \chi_e, \chi_r, \chi_{e_1}, \chi_{e_2}$ that ensures IND-CPA security and structural security ? Which distributions are required to be same?
For example, we have listed the distributions used by existing KEMs.
- CBD = Centerd Binomial Distribution;
- $HWT_n(h)$ = Hamming Weight Ternary samples a ternary n-length vector of a fixed Hamming weight $h$
- Rounding error: Error introduced through Learning with rounding (LWR)
- $ZO_n(\rho)$ distribution samples a vector $v \in \{0,\pm 1\}^n$ with $Pr[v_i = 0] = 1 - \rho$, $Pr[v_i = -1] = Pr[v_i = 1] = \frac{\rho}{2}$
From the above table, we have the following observations:
- $\chi_s = \chi_r$ except for Lizard where $ZO$ and $HWT$ are used (As per our knowledge, both are almost same except for their sampling techniques)
- In Zhang et al. KEM, $\chi_s$ and $\chi_e$ are sampled from CBD but with distinct parameters i.e., Asymmetric MLWE (AMLWE) as an underlying hard problem.
Question 2
AMLWE is a case of MLWE where $\chi_s$ and $\chi_e$ are sampled from the same distribution but with different parameters. So, can we think of AMLWE as a particular case of LWE with $\chi_s \neq \chi_e$ ?