
I've been stuck in this problem for a while, this is a challenge about Symmetric RSA:

We know that

$N = p*q$

$e = p$

$ct = pt^p \bmod N$ (1)

We are given $ct$ (which is the flag encrypted) and 4 more $ct$ where we can freely choose 4 numbers (plaintext) then the server will return new CT respectively using $p$ and $N$ (we don't know $p$, $q$ and $N$). How to find $p$ and $N$? I tried to do research on my own and something seem to be helpful are Little Fermat and DLP

Little Fermat: $a^p \equiv a \bmod p$ ($p$ is prime and $a$ is not divisible by $p$)

DLP: $g^x \equiv h \bmod p$ Then what is $x$?

Please help me I will be very grateful.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ $\text{ct}\equiv\text{pt}^p\bmod n$ is ambiguous. It can be read as $\text{ct}\equiv\text{pt}^p\pmod n$ which means $n$ divides $\text{pt}^p-\text{ct}$ and thus does not uniquely define $\text{ct}$, allowing e.g. $\text{ct}=\text{pt}^p$ or $\text{ct}=\text{pt}^p-42\,n$. Also, why $N$ and $n$? I think it's meant $\text{ct}=\text{pt}^p\bmod N$, where$\bmod$ is an operator meaning remainder of the Euclidean division $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Aug 12 at 9:20
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thanks fgrieu for helping me, I edited the question to make it clearer. I do understand the finding q part but we don't have N how can I find its factors? $\endgroup$
    – Ahn
    Commented Aug 12 at 16:40
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Revised hint: using a single pair $(m,c)$ with $c=m^p\bmod N$ and $1<m<N-1$, and Fermat's little theorem, we get a multiple of $p$. Using two, we get $p$. From there, uh, thinking about it. $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Aug 12 at 22:44

1 Answer 1


Thanks fgrieu for your help. I found out the answer for this question.

Recover p

First we compute:

$ct1 = 2^p \bmod N$

$ct2 = 3^p \bmod N$

$gcd$ ($2$,$N$) and $gcd$ ($3$,$N$) should be $=$ 1

So that we can apply Fermat's little theorem:

$2^p \equiv 2 (\bmod p)$

$3^p \equiv 3 (\bmod p)$

after rearranging, we got:

$ct1 - 2 \equiv 0 (\bmod p)$

$ct2 - 3 \equiv 0 (\bmod p)$

Since they are divisible by p, then we can find p by using gcd:

$p = gcd(ct1 - 2, ct2 - 3)$

Recover N

We sent -1 to server:

$ct3 = (-1)^p (\bmod N)$

Because $p$ is odd so $(-1)^p = -1$

$ct3 \equiv -1 \equiv N - 1 (\bmod N)$

then $N = ct3 + 1$

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ If the server did not accept the input $-1$, we could in principle also get $N$ (or a typically small multiple thereof) as $\gcd(2^p-\text{ct2},3^p-\text{ct3})$. We can then pull the small factors, if any. Or, rarely, we'd need one or two other queries to get the actual $N$. Problem is the numbers involved are huge, so at least the fist step of the GCD needs to be done specially. $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Aug 13 at 8:02

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