I want to design a secure data container that can be used to transfer encrypted data over a public network that can defeat common attacks. Data is already encrypted before entering this container so that is out of scope. The container need to store some detail about the cipher used so that it can be properly decrypted when arrived at the other end.
My basic idea is to use chunks of data, with headers seperated from actual data, containing:
chunk: chunk list chunk, always the first chunk.DATA
chunk: encrypted data, as is or optionally compressed (after encryption).SIGN
chunk: Signature of the data chunk, either a digital signature or a MAC.INIT
chunk: (Optional) IV of the cipher used, optionally encrypted with the asymmetric algorithm used.ISGN
chunk: (Optional) Signature of (possibly encrypted) IV.SKEY
chunk: (Optional) Encrypted session key, if the main algorithm is asymmetrical.KSGN
chunk: (Optional) Signature of encrypted session key.INFO
chunk: (Optional) Comments that is not encrypted or verified.
File structure: (Using C structure notation, all multi-byte numbers is stored in network byte order)
struct chunk_s
uint8_t magic[4]; // Chunk FourCC header.
uint32_t flags; // Chunk flags, including information of the algorithm.
uint64_t offset; // Offset of the chunk from head of file.
uint64_t size; // Size of the chunk.
To resolve some issues raised in comments, I will say again that the signature chunks can be either a signature or a MAC, also you can apply both a signature and a MAC by using two (or more, if different algorithms are used) SIGN
SSGN` chunks carrying different flags. Algorithm is identified by the flags field.
chunk: signature of header/chunk list.RSGN
chunk: "signature of randomness", essentially a chunk of nonce that is counted when calculatingSSGN
chunk: signature of all other types of signature chunks concatenated together in the exact order as found in the chunk list. Usually the last chunk.